Procrastination and trading

Don’t overthink your losses. There is one correlation that seems to be a common trait with most successful traders: the less a trader thinks, the more profitable they are.

What I found with struggling traders is that, when a trader is in a loss position they start arguing with themselves that they should get out, but that they don’t want to take the loss for whatever reason, and their arguments get trapped inside their mind. Kind of like when you have to get up early in the morning and keep hitting the snooze button. But whilst you are hitting the snooze button you keep arguing with yourself that you should get up and then you fight for one more minute calculating in your head how much time it should take to get ready and if you run to the train that you should still make it.

Not getting up early in the morning when the alarm clock goes off is procrastination.

Not starting with the assignment in time is procrastination.

Trying to avoid a drawdown when your system tells you is procrastination. Procrastination is what turns a drawdown into a loss.

I found that when people / traders procrastinate they justify in their mind that they still have a choice in that matter, that the consequences of not taking action (i.e. not getting up in the morning at the time they set the alarm, not taking the loss at the price their system told them to, waiting with the assignment until the last week before it is due) are still more pleasurable than the perceived consequences of not taking the action.

Procrastination ends the moment you feel you run out of choice. The moment that when you don’t take action now, the painful consequences of not taking action weigh much more heavier than the pleasure of not taking action.

That is the moment when you stop all the arguments in your head and you jump out of bed.

That is the moment when you stop all the arguments in your head and only images of you failing the assignment pop up on your inner mind’s eye and so you start focusing on the assignment day and night.

That is the moment when you stop all the arguments in your head and you finally take that loss, when the pain of staying in the trade is greater than the pain of taking the loss.

I hope this is helpful…

With a toast to your trading profits




How to Stop That Little Voice Arguing

I once had a long conversation with a professional athlete on what makes him so successful. We also spoke about how he manages to get out of bed at 4.30 am every morning. And he told me that he just doesn’t get into arguments with himself in his head. He just doesn’t go there. As soon as the alarm goes off his feet are swinging out of bed focusing on the next task of making coffee.

As soon as your trade hits the stop limit, don’t overthink it, no arguments, don’t even go there, just do it, leave that trade behind and focus on the next setup; you will be a better trader for it.

Of course, this doesn’t come naturally nor easily. It needs to be practiced in all other areas of life and once this has become a way of being it will come naturally in trading. For example, I practice the ‘no arguments with myself in my head’ behaviour every morning when I have a cold shower. In the past I would stay much longer under my nice warm shower because I dreaded the cold shower finish line. Nowadays, I don’t even allow my mind to go there, I have my shower and simply turn on the cold water, no arguments, no hesitation, it has become ingrained in my behaviour, and oh it feels as good afterwards as taking charge and closing out a losing position, leaving the past behind, creating a new better future.

I hope this is helpful,

With a toast to your trading profits


Be Kind, Say Thank You ..

No wonder it is so hard for most traders to take losses. Look at how they treat themselves afterwards! What do most traders do? They make themselves wrong for not getting out earlier, for not following their rules, they put themselves down that they don’t have what it takes etc etc etc. I am sure most of you know what I am talking about. I certainly do, in the past I have done it so many times, until I realised that this kind of behaviour is actually keeping me stuck.

My friend’s little son used to spill his hot chocolate every single morning at breakfast and my friend used to get upset every single day about having to change the table cloth. One day she gave up. She decided not to put another table cloth as it would get spoilt anyway and when her little son spilled his hot chocolate again, she just laughed it off.

Guess what? From that day onward he never spilled anything again.

Today I can see it so clearly with most traders too. The harder they try NOT to repeat the same mistakes over and over again out of fear, the less control they seem to have over their impulses.

Try this:

Instead of abusing and accusing yourself for being stupid and hurting how much money you have lost once again and if you only had followed your rules, how about look for one little thing that you did right.

Okay, you did let your account run 50% into a drawdown, and then you had to puke your position out of desperation. But hey, you did get out and didn’t let your account blow up.

Say thank you to yourself, say well done for getting out [insert your name here], say I managed to do something well, that is progress and every day I will progress a little more.

Be kind to yourself, reward yourself for the smallest piece you did right, even if the trade was a stupid loss, it doesn’t matter. Reward yourself with maybe a chocolate or a coffee and say to yourself, well done, I am so proud of you, I love you for that.

You will be surprised how grateful your little subconscious will be and it will thank you for being so much more willing to take those losses earlier, faster and with more certainty.

Try it.. you’ll love the new you.

With a toast to your trading profits


Jesse Livermore on Emotional Control

Later in his life he (Jesse Livermore) was asked an important question by his sons, Paul and Jesse, Jr.: “Dad, why are you so good in the market and other people lose all their money?”

He said, “Well, boys, I have also lost money, but each time I lost, I tried to learn why I had lost. The stock market must be studied, not in a casual way, but in a deep, knowledgable way. It’s my conclusion that most people pay more care and attention to the purchase of an appliance for their house, or to buying a car, than they do to the purchase of stocks. The stock market, with its allure of easy money and fast action, induces people into foolishness and the careless handling of their hard-earned money, like no other entity. “You see, the purchase of a stock is simple, easily done by placing your buy order with a broker; later a phone call to sell completes the trade. If you profit from this transaction, it appears to be easy money with seemingly no work. You didn’t have to get to work and labor for eight hours a day. It was simply a paper transaction, requiring what appears to be no labor. It gives the clear appearance of an easy way to get rich. Simply buy the stock at $10 and sell it later for more than $10. The more you trade, the more you made, that’s how it appears. “Simply put, it’s ignorance.”

The boys listened attentively, but they never had any interest in trading the market like their father. A stock trader must constantly deal with emotions—when things go bad, there’s often fear to deal with. Fear lies buried just beneath the surface of all normal human life. Fear, like violence, can suddenly appear in your life in the space of a single heartbeat, a fast breath, a blink of the eye, the grab of a hand, the noise of a gun. When it appears, natural survival tactics come alive, normal reasoning is distorted. Reasonable people act unreasonably when they are afraid. And people become afraid when they start to lose money; their judgment becomes impaired.

This is our human nature in this stage of our evolution. It cannot be denied. It must be understood, particularly in trading the market. Sooner or later, fear will come to visit every stock trader who actively trades the market.

The unsuccessful investor or trader is usually best friends with hope—when it comes to the stock market, hope skips along the trader’s path hand in hand with greed, but fear is always trailing along as well, hiding in the shadows. Once a stock trade is entered, hope springs to life. It is human nature to be hopeful, to be positive, to hope for the best. Hope has been and will always be an important survival technique for the human race. But hope, like its stock market cousins ignorance, greed, and fear, distorts reason.

The trader must be acutely aware that the stock market only deals in facts, in reality, in cold numbers; the stock market is never wrong— traders are wrong. Similar to the spinning of a roulette wheel, the little black ball tells the final outcome—not greed, fear, or hope. The final result of stock market trading, which is posted in the newspaper at the end of every day, is objective and conclusive, with no appeal, like pure nature in the raw, a life and death struggle. Livermore believed that the public wanted to be led, to be instructed, to be told what to do. They wanted reassurance. He believed that they would always move en masse, a mob, a herd, a group, because people want the safety of human company. They are afraid to stand alone because the belief is that it is safer to be included within the herd, not to be the lone calf standing on the desolate, dangerous wolf-patrolled prairie of contrary opinion—and the truth is that it usually is safer to go with the trend.

This is where it gets slightly complicated for most traders. Livermore was an independent thinker, yet he always wanted to trade along the line of least resistance—the trend, so he was generally moving along with the crowd, the herd, most of the time. It was when the change in trend started to appear, the change in overall market direction—that was the most difficult moment to catch and act upon. He was always on the hunt for the clues to recognize a coming change in basic trend, looking for the Pivotal Point to form.

A trader can never become complacent. Livermore was always alert, ready, prepared to separate himself from the popular thinking of the moment, the group thinking that usually always drives the market, and to go in the opposite direction. Livermore believed in cycles. There is a time when things are good and a time when things turn bad. It is true in this life for all of us, and it is true in the stock market. The good times are coming and so are the bad times—the question for a successful trader is not will they come…it is when will they come?

Livermore’s conclusion—usually when you least expect it, the trend will change. The change in trend is the most difficult time in a speculator’s trading life. These major changes in trends were and remain hell. But Livermore knew these were the points where most of the money was lost, as was just experienced from 1999 to 2002. It is best to avoid the downhill slide of stocks, unless you have sold stocks short.

Richard Smitten TRADE LIKE JESSE LIVERMORE  Page 100

Livermore had heard many of his fellow traders say: “That stock was good to me.” Or “That stock cost me money, so I am staying away from it!” The stock had nothing to do with it. Everything that happens is a result of the trader’s judgment and no excuses are acceptable. To put it simply, it is the trader or speculator who makes the conscious decision to enter a trade, and it is always the trader who makes the conscious decision to exit a trade. The judgment was either correct or it wasn’t.

Richard Smitten TRADE LIKE JESSE LIVERMORE  Page 103

How to chase blowout trades away

Hello Traders,

This video clip is from a documentary Redesign my Brain by Todd Sampson, it so perfectly describes what the difference is between traders who don’t deal with their losses and traders who tackle losing trades head on. It shows like in trading, the more you are afraid of the pain and you run away from your losses, the more they hurt you. You can’t outrun them, they will always come after you and try to hurt you even more. But you can learn strategies on how to tackle them in the face of your fear and be surprised how good it feels when you actually do conquer the loss!

[vsw id=”p0Qliako1Fo” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]

Thank you to Paul Scott from Mindful Media for allowing me publish this clip on my website.

With a toast to your trading profits






